Portada 350 Outdoor Sports

350 Outdoor Sports

Publishing date:25/10/2023


The growing interest in nature and the outdoors has led to a boom in sporting activities in recent years. Many of these are well known, like trekking, climbing or gravel biking. Others, such as wingsuit flying and freefalling are starting to take off, while many are as new and unfamiliar to us as their names: plogging, swing jump, slackline, canoraft, paravelo, bushcraft, scrambling, splitboard, etc.

350 Outdoor Sports is a comprehensive guide to a wealth of activities that will get you out into the fresh air, with information about what to do, what equipment you’ll need and where to go to try them out.

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Publishing date: 25/10/2023

ISBN: 978-84-08-27673-9

Pages: 400

Imprint: GeoPlaneta
