Portada 39 Coffees and One Breakfast

39 Coffees and One Breakfast

Publishing date:9/09/2014


Some coffees are strong, others thick, others are a little short and others are a whole breakfast in themselves. Just like love.

Martina is just like every other woman. Approaching thirty, she starts to ask herself how to achieve the love that everyone talks about but only a few actually experience. Her sister Amélie, a fun lover of new technologies will be her guide in the search for a perfect man. Love is no longer in the air like the song says: now it’s on the web.


Highlights 39 Coffees and One Breakfast

A fresh, uninhibited and funny novel.

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Publishing date: 9/09/2014

ISBN: 978-84-670-4224-5

Pages: 240

Imprint: Espasa


One of the bestselling novels on Amazon since it was published on its platform: number six in Spain, number three in Italy, numbers one and two in Mexico and number six in Germany.