Portada A Better World Is Possible

A Better World Is Possible

Publishing date:28/05/2019


The world today is a much better place than it was two hundred, fifty, even just twenty years ago. And yet, despite all the progress we have made, the milestones we have reached, there are still many areas where we need to work, especially in such key areas as immigration, extreme poverty, sexual violence, and homophobia.

Padre Ángel has devoted himself for more than fifty years to the people who need help the most. These pages tell us his story and through it, the story of Mensajeros de la Paz (Messengers of Peace), and show us the path he took to arrive to where he is now. At the same time, he shares with us all he has learned throughout these years and his reflections about the current state of the world.

With the help of facts and figures, this book shows us how society has progressed in the past few decades and why it will continue to make positive progress in the future. It’s true that there is still a great deal to be done and much that needs improvement, but Padre Ángel encourages us to be optimistic and offers us a message of hope as well as a series of tools available to all of us to make our own little contribution and in this way help the most needy and make this planet a better place.

Because creating a better world isn’t only possible, it’s in our hands.

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Publishing date: 28/05/2019

ISBN: 978-84-17568-52-8

Pages: 152

Imprint: Alienta Editorial
