Portada A Forest Of Synapses

A Forest Of Synapses

Publishing date:15/09/2020


What you are hiding in your brain.

Our species loves to ask questions. Questions like: what is life? What is that disc that glimmers in the sky made of? Why do you lose your socks in the washing machine? But there are other, deeper, more poetic questions that arise when the brain thinks about itself, and these questions and the answers to them are known as neuroscience.

What was so special about Einstein’s brain? Where does consciousness come from? What is memory? The answers are hidden in that forest of synapses and neurons we call the brain.

In A Forest Of Synapses, we will chase down two of humanity’s oldest questions: who are we and what makes us special? We will find the answers, as we so often have, in our brain.


Highlights A Forest Of Synapses

A journey to understand the secrets behind the most fascinating organ in the human body: the brain.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 15/09/2020

ISBN: 978-84-493-3721-5

Pages: 256

Imprint: Ediciones Paidós

Rights sold

Portal Publishing (Russia).
