Portada Alice's Island

Alice's Island

  • Daniel Sánchez Arévalo
Publishing date:3/11/2015


When Chris dies in a car crash suspiciously far away from where he’s supposed to be, the life of his wife, Alice, who has a six year old daughter and another on the way, falls apart.

Unable to accept the loss and fearing that their perfect relationship may have been a lie, she becomes obsessed with finding out where Chris was going and what secrets he was hiding.

Reconstructing her husband’s last trip with the help of the security cameras at the places he went through, she travels to the heart of the mystery: Robin Island, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, a small and apparently peaceful island that will work deep changes within Alice as she tries to find out what Chris was doing on the island.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 3/11/2015

ISBN: 978-84-08-14788-6

Pages: 624

Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Rights sold

Nord (Italy), Meridiaan (the Netherlands), Atria (USA), Suhrkamp (Germany) and Sonia Draga (Poland).


La isla de Alice is both a thriller and an emotional journey. A captivating, absorbing story of wandering and resilience.

Premio Planeta 2015 Runner-up


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