Portada Amy Winehouse
Publishing date:22/10/2019


Stronger than her.

Restless, dramatic and always on the lookout for action and attention, from her earliest childhood Amy Winehouse showed rebellion and intelligence. Giving in to the will of others was not in her plans. Nor do they comply with the rules. Everything in her was bold, groundbreaking and unique, starting from her voice, that launched her into stardom, making her an indisputable myth of music. This biography gives us back her brief and intense life and pays tribute to her art and her legacy.


Highlights Amy Winehouse

The first illustrated biography of a unique artist.

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Publishing date: 22/10/2019

ISBN: 978-84-17858-32-2

Pages: 152

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores

Rights sold

Belas Letras (Brazil).
