Portada Anna Kadabra 10. The Call of the Sirens 
Portada Anna Kadabra 10. The Call of the Sirens 

Anna Kadabra 10. The Call of the Sirens 

Publishing date:28/09/2022
Categories:Children & YA


With Anna Kadabra and her friends, magic is served! 

Anna and her friends head to the Lighthouse of Storms to enjoy a well-deserved rest by the sea. Of course, resting isn’t easy with Nino, Angela’s little brother. Especially when he shows up with a mysterious girl who gets lost in the middle of the beach and speaks a strange language... Where did she come from? 


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Publishing date: 28/09/2022

ISBN: 978-84-08-26009-7

Pages: 128

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil

Rights sold

DeAgostini Libri (Italy), Muza (Poland).


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