Portada As Special as You Want to Be
Portada As Special as You Want to Be

As Special as You Want to Be

Publishing date:23/02/2022
Categories:Children & YA


Why are some people upset by the fact that Clotilde is so, so, so special? When actually she likes the same things as the rest of her friends! But wait a minute, what’s wrong with being special?

In this delightful book, winner of the XL edition of the Apel-les Mestres Award, Raquel Díaz Reguera presents us with a call for difference, a message dedicated to those who count, to those who unite and, above all, to those who dare to be the way they are.

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Publishing date: 23/02/2022

ISBN: 978-84-08-25309-9

Pages: 40

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil



Vídeos sobre As Special as You Want to Be

Presentación Premio Apel·les Mestres "Tan Especial como quieras ser" por Raque Díaz Reguero