Portada Better Than Ever

Better Than Ever

Publishing date:25/10/2023


Happy, heroic, pioneering


The revolution of a generation of women, freer and more powerful than ever.

The generation of Spanish women currently entering their sixties have broken free from all the boxes that society designed for them. They are truly masters of their own fates, unique among the generations that came before and after. Mariola Cubells explains how, for these women, revolution didn't conform to established patterns. Her book examines a collective with all their physical and mental faculties intact, more visible than ever and loving life as they work, learn, run businesses, start new projects and embrace beauty wherever they find it. Busting stereotypes and breaking rules, they are the pioneers in many aspects of society, in both private and public spheres.

Better Than Ever takes you on a literary journey through personal testimony, memories and intimate reflections on behalf of the author and many other women of her generation. It tells us how Spanish women have rebelled against stereotypes, against unhappiness and passive resignation, against age-old rules such as compulsory monogamy and all the other burdens that their own mothers and grandmothers were forced to bear. They are freer and more powerful than ever, and, what's more, they know it. The last generation to be educated under institutional patriarchy and the first to teach their kids differently. A generation for the ages.

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Publishing date: 25/10/2023

ISBN: 978-84-670-7119-1

Pages: 304

Imprint: Espasa
