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Portada Brain, Childhood and Play

Brain, Childhood and Play

Publishing date:11/01/2023


Play is the basis of learning, but are we aware of its infinite possibilities?

Play is important and vital to anyone’s existence and is what keeps our brain young, active and, in short, alive. Most adults agree that it is essential for children to play, but what we may not be aware of is the important role it plays in the neurological development of our sons and daughters and therefore in their learning. It is our responsibility as families to accompany our children so that they can learn through play and in this spirit discover the thousand and one facets of life. But how to do this?

Throughout this book, pedagogue María Couso delves into the development of the brain from infancy onward and the factors that promote better cognitive performance. During this journey, she focuses on modern board games, explaining what they can offer children and how they do so.

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Publishing date: 11/01/2023

ISBN: 978-84-233-6269-1

Pages: 304

Imprint: Ediciones Destino
