Portada Carlos III
Publishing date:20/09/2016


Carlos III is still present, three hundred years after his birth. Because of the historical importance of his figure to the Neapolitans and the Spanish, and because of the ground-breaking changes across all levels of reality that took place during his reign.

He saw through a reform that would have proponents and detractors, successes and failures, and would involve the collaboration of such historical figures as Esquilache, Grimaldi, Campomanes, Aranda, Floridablanca, and Jovellanos. A Spanish reform that was an example for successive generations.

Those who think we should analyze the present historically in order to understand it better will undoubtedly find much that is useful in the reading of this excellent book.

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Publishing date: 20/09/2016

ISBN: 978-84-670-4821-6

Pages: 632

Imprint: Espasa


The definitive biography on the 300th anniversary of the monarch’s birth.