Portada Casa Cocoa

Casa Cocoa

  • Jordi Roca
  • Ignacio Medina
Publishing date:20/11/2018


The journey back to the original chocolate.

This book aims to show the path followed by Jordi Roca, currently one of the world’s most advanced chocolatiers, in the search to learn how to master chocolate.

H e travels through cocoa fields in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador to meet producers both in the interior of the jungle and in the new production areas that define some of the most prestigious references on the market. He learns about the nature of the so-called creole cacao, native to the Amazon rainforest, the characteristics of the crop and the way in which the cocoa cob ends up being transformed into the fermented and dry bean from which we obtain our chocolate.

With this background, Jordi Roca returns to his chocolate workshop and gives a new twist to his creative work, undertaking new creations with the new cocoas
that he has collected over the course of his journey.


• In 2014 Jordi Roca was proclaimed the best pastry chef in the world according to the 50 Best in the first edition of this award.

• The book includes eighty recipes, formulas and totally new creative ideas with cocoa as the mainstay of desserts, chocolates and ice cream.


Highlights Casa Cocoa

A National Geographic documentary on Jordi Roca’s research on the world of cocoa in Latin America is currently being filmed.

Little brother of the Roca family at El Celler de Can Roca, his creations have revolutionized the world of confectionery.

El Celler de Can Roca has been recognized for two years (2013 and 2015) as the best restaurant in the world. It currently occupies 3rdplace.

The book includes some 40 recipes, formulas and totally new creative ideas with cocoa as the mainstay of desserts, chocolates and ice cream.

In 2014 Jordi Roca was proclaimed the best pastry chef in the world according to the 50 Best in the first edition of this award.

His research (the chocolate industry has never carried out the process he has undertaken) not only affects the sweet creations of El Celler but also the salty dishes of Joan Roca and the liquid harmonies (infusion wines and coffees) of Josep Roca.

In Latin America, he rediscovered cocoa after a thorough search for the best cocoa in the world and with this his way of working it until now, a restart and an absolute re-learning of the new possibilities of cocoa.

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Publishing date: 20/11/2018

ISBN: 978-84-08-19755-3

Pages: 352

Imprint: Planeta Gastro


Jordi Roca’s journey to the origins of cocoa and its rediscovery for the creation of new totally revolutionary desserts.

Other titles of the author