Portada Cereal Land
Publishing date:10/05/2018
Categories:Children & YA


Cereals have been part of our breakfast since childhood: before school, for snacks, between meals.... You could say we’re addicted, but we know we’re not the only ones; this is demonstrated by the overwhelming success of cereal bars in Spain.

We present this culinary combo with numerous recipes and stories related to cereals, all accompanied by a very original design. Get ready to have fun and expand your knowledge of this exciting world with our friends Cheeto and Mushikko.


Highlights Cereal Land

Recipes, anecdotes and curiosities related to the world of cereals.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 10/05/2018

ISBN: 978-84-270-4441-8

Pages: 128

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca
