Portada Champion


  • Amanda Sampedro
Publishing date:5/05/2021


Mandy is seven years old and passionate about soccer. Eddie, the Phys-Ed teacher, is organizing the first Santa Eulalia indoor soccer team for primary students, and they start to train and play in the different neighborhoods of Madrid. Although it is a mixed team, it is all boys, except for Mandy. 

Despite enjoying Eddie’s trust, Mandy will be forced to confront Rodrigo, the captain of her team, who is not about to let a girl steal the limelight. Supported by her family, Mandy will gradually make a place for herself among her teammates. But she feels she has to constantly prove herself in things that for the rest of her teammates are taken for granted.

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Publishing date: 5/05/2021

ISBN: 978-84-270-4867-6

Pages: 216

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca


A novel for readers between 7 and 11 years old that sends a clear and inspiring message: the important thing is what you want to do, what you are passionate about: you will overcome difficulties through your effort and the support of all those who love and value you.