Portada Convince and Conquer
Publishing date:13/06/2017


This book will share the tricks, advice and tools you need to become an effective and persuasive communicator, revealing the key skills that will help you to make an impact on your audience. There is a reserved part for support materials such as videos and slide shows, as well as non-verbal and para-verbal language and offers some advice on controlling your emotions. It also goes over different techniques for improving your personal style according to your personal characteristics and explains the benefits or otherwise of introducing storytelling into your speech. At the end of every chapter it includes a summary of the main points and exercises that will teach you to put what you’ve learned into practice.  


Highlights Convince and Conquer

Become an excellent public speaker with the help of the best academic speaker in the world 

Technical Data

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Publishing date: 13/06/2017

ISBN: 978-84-16253-78-4

Pages: 240

Imprint: Alienta Editorial
