Portada Don't Block The Sun

Don't Block The Sun

Publishing date:7/04/2021


How to be a good cynic.

Why is cynicism the target of so much anger? Because the cynic committed the terrible sin of pointing the finger at idealism and shouting, “The king is naked!”. Ever since then, the greats of philosophy have ignored them, misrepresented them or directly disqualified them and thus their message has remained hidden. Plato defended the existence of a model of eternal man, perfect immaterial, and defined the human being as “an animal with two feet and no feathers”. Diogenes laughed at this theory and took a rooster, removed its feathers, threw it on the floor of the elitist school and said to Plato: “Here is your man”. The latter refused to debate with Diogenes and always treated him as a madman. From that moment on, the idealists followed the master’s views.

This work seeks to update the cynical philosophy as a lifeline to live with freedom, sanity and dignity in a post-pandemic world that seems directionless and adrift.

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Publishing date: 7/04/2021

ISBN: 978-84-344-3341-0

Pages: 240

Imprint: Editorial Ariel
