Portada Don't Waste Your Kisses

Don't Waste Your Kisses

Publishing date:10/04/2012


This tale has nothing to do with princesses. It begins in the Spain of the seventies, a time when you could have an adventure just by popping out for a snack.
In that far off and not necessarily happy time, Lucía with the curly hair, and Eva, who loves to eat green beans raw, are seven years old and building an unbreakable friendship. Over thirty years later, Lucía is a calculating director of human resources who doesn't know how to fall in love. Eva, almost forty, is a retired actress caught in the thrall of her daughter Lola and trapped in a broken marriage. Lucía has no idea that Eva is going to ask her the most important favour of her life.


Highlights Don't Waste Your Kisses

A humorous novel with a tender and caustic gaze on the world of women which many readers will be able to relate to.

International Editions

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Technical data

Publishing date: 10/04/2012

ISBN: 978-84-670-3883-5

Pages: 288

Imprint: Espasa

Rights sold

Feltrinelli (Italy), Beoknjiga (Serbia).
