Portada Dying Young at 140
Publishing date:12/04/2016


At present humanity and the scientific community consider ageing a process that must be accepted. I.e.: after a reasonably long youth, we must age naturally as a prelude to death. 

However, recent studies about ageing suggest that its mechanisms are not determined by evolution; it’s not a process programmed into our genes.  

In this book, Doctor Maria Blasco, currently one of the leading global specialists in cellular ageing and the scientific journalist Mónica G. Salomone introduce the latest advances in an area of modern science, research into the secrets of longevity, that is only a few decades old.

With the help of geriatricians, paleontologists, demographers, philosophers and other biologists, the authors visit laboratories from all around the world in order to discover what the future holds for us and try to answer questions such as: What vital changes await us as individuals and as a society? What ethical dilemmas will we have to face?


Highlights Dying Young at 140

A book about the role of telomeres in ageing and the history of how scientists work to make us live longer and better.

Will we one day be able to live to 120 in good health? There is no fundamental biological law that condemns one to age. In fact, some scientists say that ageing can be treated.

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Publishing date: 12/04/2016

ISBN: 978-84-493-3206-7

Pages: 256

Imprint: Ediciones Paidós
