Best Seller
Publishing date:6/03/2024


An addictive thriller about desire and power relations with an intense dose of eroticism as a backdrop

Natalia is an anxious woman whose life is dominated by her impulses; she seems condemned to rebellion and breaking all social norms and conventions. The day her lover leaves her, she finds herself lost and trapped in an unfulfilling married life. Far from being satisfied, Nat begins to unleash her lust and her deepest instincts. Her irrepressible sexual desire and a growing obsession with feeling young and desired will eventually control her life, but they will also serve as inspiration for Eagerness, the novel she is writing. Thus, fiction and reality merge in a fiery and explosive fable about dissatisfaction in love, and power relations.


Highlights EAGERNESS

Through this narrative, the author vindicates the struggle for women’s liberation, somewhere between sexual dissemination and without taboos, in which themes such as anxiety, obsession, compulsion, psychic addiction and power relations converge.

Written with the most defiant humour, this novel offers a lucid reflection on what it means to be a free, erratic and imperfect woman today, all whilst not being punished for her excesses or paying dearly for the price of her freedom.

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Publishing date: 6/03/2024

ISBN: 978-84-08-28466-6

Pages: 256

Imprint: Editorial Planeta
