Portada Everything Is Changing Once Again

Everything Is Changing Once Again

Publishing date:12/04/2023


How Web3 will revolutionize the world as we know it.

We are currently witnessing a new technological revolution that will affect virtually every activity and industry. This new disruption is Web3, the next generation of the Internet that promises to completely transform the way we interact and do business on the net.

This book undertakes a journey from the early days of the Internet and its evolution to the social and participatory web, or Web 2.0, to the present moment, when blockchain technology is driving a major shift in digital transactions and information storage toward greater security, decentralization, interoperability, and privacy.

Everything Is Changing Once Again also examines other technologies and their impact on the digital world of today and the future: the metaverse, open source, cryptocurrencies, NFTs and machine learning. In fact, the introduction of this book has been partially written using ChatGPT, a machine learning assistant whose enormous power, quality of interaction and unique ability to replicate human linguistic behavior is astonishing the world.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 12/04/2023

ISBN: 978-84-234-3554-8

Pages: 192

Imprint: Deusto



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