Portada Fantastic Life. Lessons From A Child With Dreams

Fantastic Life. Lessons From A Child With Dreams

  • Didac Bautista
Publishing date:16/01/2020


My illness has made me pass through difficult phases and many moments of sadness. But all of these have taught me to value what is real: being with the people who love me and who struggle to make me happy, enjoying each instant, moving forward, and never giving up. If
you keep your hopes up, you will enjoy a fantastic life.


Highlights Fantastic Life. Lessons From A Child With Dreams

This book is the moving, true testimony of a child who has been fighting cacner for eight years.

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Publishing date: 16/01/2020

ISBN: 978-84-08-22194-4

Pages: 64

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil


Illustrations by the great Carme Solé Vendrell bring tenderness and beauty to Dídac’s text.

A book of emotions in which the author describes the different feelings that overcome an ill child: rage, sorrow, joy, hope…

Despite the gravity of the subject, Dídac’s voice encourages optimism, the love for struggle, and the joy for living.