Portada Fear Is for the Brave

Fear Is for the Brave

Publishing date:12/01/2022


In these times of uncertainty and fear of the unknown, it is necessary to believe in ourselves and take responsibility for our decisions and actions. This is the only field that belongs to us, the field of self-responsibility. EOD work is developed in scenarios of total uncertainty, where the analysis of information, self-confidence, leadership skills and teamwork are essential to staying alive and eliminating the threat. To become the last solution to a bomb threat, the author has had to face many other fears, prior to the fear of dying.

For Julio de la Iglesia, fear is a teacher, a bodyguard, an advisor and a very demanding companion that does not permit failure. To overcome any situation, we must first look for the right identity. When faced with a threat, he abandons his identity as a father, son or friend and adopts that of an EOD specialist, and from there he knows how to act. The opposite of fear is security. Having colossal self-esteem is what gives us the most security. Connecting with that brave person, with that hero we all have inside us, fills us with courage and determination. After his experience in the Green Berets and other elite units, he has developed a formula that gives him security and keeps fear at bay. The METAX formula.


Highlights Fear Is for the Brave

An invitation to personal epic and a tribute to courage and bravery.

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Technical data

Publishing date: 12/01/2022

ISBN: 978-84-1344-109-2

Pages: 240

Imprint: Alienta Editorial


The author shares his experience in Japan with Masaaki Hatsumi, the most recognized master of Ninjutsu worldwide.

An opportunity to rethink our own capabilities and the meaning of our purposes and achievements beyond our fears.