Portada Feathering


Publishing date:18/01/2023


Juan Manuel Gil’s first novel after winning the Biblioteca Breve Prize

This is the work of a writer willing to do anything to find the subject of his next novel. Or so it seems. After winning a major literary prize, he begins to investigate what lies behind the one very short scene he’s managed to write: while a man cries, depressed, an ambulance helps a person at the gate to the garden of an old house.

After this, the reader will accompany the narrator on what seems at first to be an extravagant journey in search of inspiration. But life and literature will soon combine to take him from one place to another: from an uncertain present to a past that isn’t his, from a crumbling relationship to the discovery of new ways of expressing love, the unassailable happiness of writing, and the devastating bitterness of loss.

This is a story where everything comes together, just as it sometimes does in life: beginnings and endings, mourning and humor, reality and fiction. Maybe because that’s the best way to put in words the love and pain that always abide in those we care about most.

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Publishing date: 18/01/2023

ISBN: 978-84-322-4157-4

Pages: 416

Imprint: Seix Barral



Vídeos sobre Feathering

La flor del rayo - Juan Manuel Gil