Portada Female Leadership

Female Leadership

Publishing date:4/10/2018


What is female leadership? There is no question that during the 21stcentury, a considerable number of women have been promoted to important working positions. Currently, more than 52% of the staff in any company, regardless of their position, are women. However, this figure does not imply that the path to further personal development is an easy one. There are still obstacles, such as the business structures themselves or the difficult reconciliation with motherhood that causes many women to abandon their careers when they are just beginning their personal growth.

This book offers different ways of analyzing the problems of women in the workplace: from a brief historical overview of their roles in the workplace, to a vision of the future of the new company led and created by women in this century.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 4/10/2018

ISBN: 978-84-9875-477-3

Pages: 192

Imprint: Gestión 2000


A critical and well-founded reflection on women’s contribution to the world of business.