Portada Future, What Future?

Future, What Future?

Publishing date:23/03/2022


Keys to survive beyond the pandemic

What is the economic and social future that awaits us when Covid-19 is just a memory? What can pensioners, businessmen, young people and children expect? What are the keys to survive beyond the pandemic? These pressing questions are the answers to the new book by the author of The Crash of 2010, a work that made him instantly popular due to its accurate predictions and highly informative and communicative qualities.

Santiago Niño-Becerra was one of the first world economists to warn that a crisis of systemic characteristics comparable to the crash of 1929 was looming. Now in Future, What Future? he makes a similar long-term prediction.

Based on the best projection studies of the OECD and other prestigious think tanks, Niño-Becerra dares to draw conclusions. We are in for some very significant changes that will powerfully impact people. The world economy and the lives of companies and workers will be shaped by technological advances that can replace people and by the disproportionate growth of oligopolies. This will have extraordinary consequences, such as terminating the idea that a job is for life, while we will also see that large corporations will not only generate more GDP, but will also have more power than many states and will even absorb sectors such as banking by becoming global financial operators themselves.

This book is a serious warning, and makes for obligatory reading.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 23/03/2022

ISBN: 978-84-344-3516-2

Pages: 256

Imprint: Editorial Ariel


Santiago Niño-Becerra of The Crash of 2010 is back. The publishing success that anticipated the 2009 crisis.


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Futuro, ¿qué futuro?

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Futuro, ¿qué futuro?

Futuro, ¿qué futuro?

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Presentación virtual "Futuro, ¿Qúe futuro?"