Portada Gamer & Hero

Gamer & Hero

Publishing date:20/02/2018


Gamer & Hero is a story about a youth who, after discovering his passion for video games, wants to turn simple entertainment into a way of life by becoming a professional. But the road to achieving his dream will not be easy, and our protagonist will have to overcome many difficulties.

His family’s initial opposition will be compounded by the discovery of a world of confrontation at the highest level, rife with betrayal and foul play.

Themes such as friendship and love, the relationship with the family and economic difficulties at a time of crisis have their place in this story, which also seeks to reveal the sometimes obscure secrets of professional video game competition, a competitive and sometimes truly cruel environment, where healthy rivalries often culminate in fierce duels.


Highlights Gamer & Hero

A story set in the universe of League of Legends, one of the most popular video games on the web and the world of e-sports.

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Publishing date: 20/02/2018

ISBN: 978-84-270-4409-8

Pages: 192

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca
