Portada Guide To Magical Madrid

Guide To Magical Madrid

Publishing date:10/02/2021


Guide to Magical Madrid reveals to you the most unusual and surprising legends and mysteries of this enigmatic city. Structured in practical itineraries that the reader can travel on foot or by way of the imagination, this book brings to light the most unknown and captivating aspects of a city whose magic we pass through unknowingly every day. Everything takes time, we must stop and slow down, to discover the face of the
authentic mystery of Madrid.

A revealing study of the city’s hidden historical and esoteric keys, the strange phenomena and secrets that give Madrid its unique atmosphere.

It includes more than 150 places to discover the secrets of the capital and its surroundings.

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Publishing date: 10/02/2021

ISBN: 978-84-18015-53-3

Pages: 448

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga


If I were you, I would never walk the streets of Madrid again without carrying this book under my arm. You will discover the city that is hidden behind the facades of the capital.

Javier Sierra