Portada Homo Criminalis
Publishing date:17/03/2021


Crime at a click: the new risks of today’s society

Crime and especially violent crime have a daily presence in our lives because they reveal the society in which we live. Through the media, cyberspace and social networks we see the images of the victims, the crime scene, the development of the police investigation, the statements of those investigated, the sentences..., and thus we are offered crime from multiple perspectives.

While many crimes remain the same as in the past, others are absolutely new. Lacassagne said that “each society has the crime it deserves”, and perhaps he was right, because the progress as a species and collectivity has created new forms of crime and delinquency as diverse as copycat killers, group sexual aggression, female assassination, online misogyny by incels, social cybercrime..., disturbing issues that this surprising book deals with, a current analysis of human aggression and violence.


Highlights Homo Criminalis

Today’s society, a reflection of 21st century criminology.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 17/03/2021

ISBN: 978-84-344-3329-8

Pages: 496

Imprint: Editorial Ariel
