Portada Hush you with kisses

Hush you with kisses

  • Alba Vázquez - La chica del flequillo
Publishing date:23/01/2018


I was born on December 31, 1995 in Ourense. I’m a timid girl who always takes her blushing cheeks with her wherever she travels. One morning, two years back, I realized I needed to pick up a pen and paper and give life to those thoughts that wouldn’t let me sleep. Writing is, in a certain way, tending to the wound, because it will never close completely, it is always open, and at one turn of the corner it may overtake us.

I am everything you read. We all have a story, and a small part of mine is in these pages. Here you won’t find poetry: you will find feelings. Hopefully you’ll see yourself reflected in some corner, because I’m sure we’ve all passed through the same thing at some stage in our lives.

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Publishing date: 23/01/2018

ISBN: 978-84-670-5155-1

Pages: 88

Imprint: Espasa


Hush You With Kisses, the first book by Alba Vázquez – The Girl With the Bangs ­– offers reflections on love, lovelessness, self-love, self-esteem, and insecurities.