Portada I Am Not a Monster
Portada I Am Not a Monster

I Am Not a Monster

Publishing date:21/03/2017


The only thing worse than a nightmare is a recurring nightmare. And among our worst dreams are the ones in which a child disappears without a trace. That is exactly what happens at the beginning of this novel: one afternoon in a busy shopping centre, a predator identifies and stalks his prey. These few lines, these moments of suspense, will be the last peaceful ones that the protagonists will be able to enjoy in a story for which the usual descriptions such as ‘gripping’, ‘impossible to put down’ and ‘unpredictable’ are barely adequate.

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Publishing date: 21/03/2017

ISBN: 978-84-670-4896-4

Pages: 336

Imprint: Espasa



Vídeos sobre I Am Not a Monster

"No soy un monstruo" de Carme Chaparro