Portada Ice and Fire Princess

Ice and Fire Princess

Publishing date:15/09/2015


Aya, a teenage hacker who suff ers from agoraphobia and dresses like the heroines of video games, is facing an international conspiracy. Her father, a known activist gives her some documents before dying. This will be the starting point of a plot full of secrets, betrayal,
love and exciting adventures.

The tentacles of the organization reach Menntaskólinn Gullinbrú, Reykjavik’s Institute where Aya studies. The danger lurks while she is trying to fi nd the secret documents and avenge her father’s death. Aya, a kind of Lisbeth Salander will count with the collaboration of the 7 Dwarfs, her hacker friends, who will help her from the cyberspace. And she also has Agnar, the boy with whom she falls in love and who has just arrived in Iceland after sailing around the world on a sailboat.

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Technical data

Publishing date: 15/09/2015

ISBN: 978-84-08-14523-3

Pages: 288

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil


A novel that addresses topics such as privacy of digital communications and the control exercised by states and corporations over people.