Portada I'll Know All of your Secrets

I'll Know All of your Secrets

Publishing date:3/09/2010


What would happen if your boss investigates your most intimate life? A novel focused on the business world and on the peculiar relationships that happen between workmates, where sex, lies, secrets and the deepest passions reveal the ultimate nature of human condition. An ironic and fierce approach to what a human being is able to do to look different from what he really is and to hide how he really is... until the person responsible of the enterprise decides to intervene and investigate the private life of his closest assistants and discover all of their secrets.


Highlights I'll Know All of your Secrets

A sex book that is at the same time a business fable.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 3/09/2010

ISBN: 978-84-92414-25-3

Pages: 256

Imprint: Alienta Editorial

Rights sold



Valérie Tasso has already been translated into Italian, Hungarian, Polish, French, Portuguese, Serbian and Slovenian.

Tasso is the author of Diario de una ninfómana, one of the sexual novels more surprising and read in the Spanish market.


Vídeos sobre I'll Know All of your Secrets

Sabré cada uno de tus secretos