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Portada It's The Microbiota, Stupid!

It's The Microbiota, Stupid!

Publishing date:3/03/2021


Our health depends on the zillions microorganisms that inhabit your body.

Headaches, bloating after eating, allergies, atopic dermatitis, those extra kilos that are impossible to get rid of? You may be familiar with some of these problems, but did you know that all of them can be related to an imbalance of the microbiota?

Discoveries about the microbiota constitute one of the greatest revolutions in the history of science and medicine. Microorganisms are everywhere: from the eye of a hurricane to the screen of your cell phone. They are responsible for how food affects us, how our skin looks and even how our memory works.

After seeing many patients despairing over problems they didn’t know how to solve and whose cause they didn’t know, Dr. Arponen began to investigate one of the most neglected aspects of human health. Since then, she has dedicated her career to the study of the microbiota and its impact on the human body.

Now, she shares all her findings in this field in an easy to understand language accessible to everyone, regardless of their previous knowledge of the world of health. In these pages, we will not only discover what the microbiota is, we will also learn how we can lay the foundations to balance it and what habits we can incorporate into our daily lives to achieve a higher level of well-being.

Health is a path we must follow our entire life, so why not take the first step?

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 3/03/2021

ISBN: 978-84-1344-068-2

Pages: 368

Imprint: Alienta Editorial

Rights sold

Planeta Manuscrito (Portugal). 



Vídeos sobre It's The Microbiota, Stupid!

Píldora 1: Cómo cuidar la microbiota en los niños

Otros vídeos

Píldora 1: Cómo cuidar la microbiota en los niños

Píldora 1: Cómo cuidar la microbiota en los niños

¡Es la microbiota, idiota!

¡Es la microbiota, idiota!

Píldora 3: Cómo cuidar la microbiota en deportistas

Píldora 3: Cómo cuidar la microbiota en deportistas

Píldora 2: Cómo cuidar la microbiota en el embarazo y durante la lactancia

Píldora 2: Cómo cuidar la microbiota en el embarazo y durante la lactancia