Portada Learning From the Best 2
Portada Learning From the Best 2

Learning From the Best 2

Publishing date:6/03/2018


In a world dominated by the excess of information and the speed of change, checking content becomes a necessity; people capable of studying, absorbing, digesting, filtering and structuring valuable and profound content, in a simple and clear manner.

This volume is different to the first since it includes more female characters as well as characters from different fields: athletes, authors of the New Thought, experts in emotional intelligence, productivity, and public speaking or sales. The second part of one of the most important management books of recent years is here

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 6/03/2018

ISBN: 978-84-16928-59-0

Pages: 416

Imprint: Alienta Editorial

Rights sold

Planeta Manuscrito (Portugal), Valletta Ediciones (Argentina).


After the international success of Learning from the best, this second volume aims to gather other new 50 characters of reference in the field of entrepreneurship, management, spirituality, personal development and financial freedom.