Portada Live Without Plastic
Publishing date:2/04/2019


Look around you. You must be surrounded by plastic. This material is omnipresent in our life because it has many advantages: it’s moldable, resistant, and cheap. So resistant that it will take years to biodegrade and so cheap that we manufacture objects with it meant to be used only one time. This has made plastic spread to all corners of the planet.

In this book, Patri y Fer of vivirsinplastico.com retrace the history of this material and the dangers that its unlimited consumption represent for the environment. Through their own story, with lots of humor thrown in, they outline creative ways to get rid of plastic and live a fuller life. It seems impossible, but it isn’t. The first step is agreeing to try. What do you say?

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 2/04/2019

ISBN: 978-84-08-20602-6

Pages: 208

Imprint: Zenith



Vídeos sobre Live Without Plastic

Vivir sin plástico