Portada Love Is...

Love Is...

Publishing date:12/11/2019


An ironic, sharp and yet comforting book that visits every corner, even the darkest, of romantic love.

Alfonso Casas has the ability to connect with readers thanks to his irony and sensibility. In this comic book he invites us to take a tour around everything that we have understood from an early age as the ideal love, and how life is forcing us to unlearn it. A bunch of illustrations, tender but acid at the same time, in which Alfonso can make you laugh as only a friend does, but at the same time his pages can feel like a deep hug that keeps your heart warm.

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Publishing date: 12/11/2019

ISBN: 978-84-17858-43-8

Pages: 278

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores



Vídeos sobre Love Is...

Booktrailer "AMORes" de Alfonso Casas