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Portada Magic Animals 1. The Power Of The Amulet
Portada Magic Animals 1. The Power Of The Amulet

Magic Animals 1. The Power Of The Amulet

Publishing date:3/05/2023


In the mysterious Blim Valley, live fantastic beings that are able to take on the shape of a child or an animal! With the power of a special magical amulet, these beings can transform into Magic Animals with incredible powers.

But in this same valley, lives an evil wizard who wants to capture the Magic Animals and steal their power so he can finally rule the valley.

• A collection that contains all the ingredients to make first time readers fall in love: children with special powers, animals, magic, and lots of adventure.
• A choral series with simple plots, short chapters, and language adapted to the reading level.
• Full colour illustration. Running text combined with comic format.
• Self-conclusive books that can be read independently.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 3/05/2023

ISBN: 978-84-08-27183-3

Pages: 128

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil

Rights sold

Larousse (France) & DeAgostini (Italy).
