Portada Mindfulness
Publishing date:3/03/2021


Mindfulness or the art of being present.

According to the statistics, on average we spend only about eleven minutes concentrating on an activity before something or someone interrupts us. Our body would continue, but our attention strays. Consequently, all that attention wasted on distractions is a great source of discomfort, of feeling overwhelmed, of being late for everything, of not having time for anything, even of anxiety.

In this revised and updated edition, Dr. Andrés Martín Asuero, an expert in mindfulness, offers effective solutions in three fundamental areas: personal well-being (more health, less stress), quality of relationships (more empathy, less aggressiveness) and work efficiency (more attention, fewer errors). Putting his teachings into practice will help us bring harmony to our daily lives in order to achieve vital balance.


Highlights Mindfulness

An initiation into the art of living life to the fullest, fighting distractions, focusing on goals and enhancing personal growth.

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Publishing date: 3/03/2021

ISBN: 978-84-18118-44-9

Pages: 288

Imprint: Diana
