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Portada MONEY Academy 1. Money Academy and the Source of Eternal Wealth

MONEY Academy 1. Money Academy and the Source of Eternal Wealth

Publishing date:7/02/2024


Carlos has never heard words like “derivative markets” or “crypto assets.” Nor has he ever travelled on a private jet. And, of course, he has never rubbed shoulders with kids from the richest and most powerful families in the world. Carlos is just a normal kid. His dream was to go to the School of Dance  and Performing Arts, but his father had other plans for him.  Instead, he has been accepted at the Mullhogan, Ohlund & Nakamoto Academy for Enterprising Youth, better known as MONEY Academy, an exclusive college specialising in training the young leaders of the future. When Carlos arrives with his new friends to No Name Islands, an archipelago that is suspiciously uncharted, he soon understands that his new school’s methods are anything but traditional, and finally understands that a great destiny awaits him... if he can overcome all the trials that await him along the way that is!


Highlights MONEY Academy 1. Money Academy and the Source of Eternal Wealth

MONEY Academy brings young readers closer to the basics of economics and finance through adventuress full of mystery, humour, and fast-paced action in the style of children's classics such as Harry Potter or Lord of the Flies.

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Publishing date: 7/02/2024

ISBN: 978-84-08-28042-2

Pages: 256

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil
