Portada My Body, Too

My Body, Too

Publishing date:7/04/2021


The fascinating tale of a survivor: her struggle against cancer.

An autobiographical tale without a trace of moralizing, My Body, Too is an appeal to honor the voice of the ill and the sick person’s right to their own body, exploring along the way the power relations at play in the world of heath care through the author’s own experiences. As with all sicknesses, there are two stories: the official one, the one that appears in the medical records, cold, impersonal, with many omissions (“Twentyseven-year-old woman, afebrile, with back pain”) and the other one that the first one always hides.

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Publishing date: 7/04/2021

ISBN: 978-84-322-3794-2

Pages: 224

Imprint: Seix Barral

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Editions Métailié (France), Perseus Publishing (Bulgaria).


My Body, Too is a testimony about overcoming cancer and a defense of the ill from a humane point of view while also being a brilliant literary exercise.

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