Portada Now That We Are Together

Now That We Are Together

  • Roc Casagran Casañas
Publishing date:15/10/2019


A hopeful novel about the refugees that all war leaves behind.

Tòfol was just a child when the war broke out in Spain and separated him from his twin brother Tian, with whom he was very close. In an emotional letter addressed to him, Tòfol will tell his life in those years away from each other, a life full of struggle, exile, innocence and love.

“And from that day on, we called that rudimentary hut The Mansion. It was a way of learning that, against horror, we only have humor left, and since in that beach everything was horror, everything happened to be humor. Black humor, of course.”

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Publishing date: 15/10/2019

ISBN: 978-84-08-21485-4

Pages: 208

Imprint: Crossbooks
