Portada Nurse in Trouble
Publishing date:9/06/2015


In this title you’ll find 11 chapters that tell the whole truth about nursing and everything that comes with it, as shared by an insider with a healthy sense of humour. From one’s first steps as a nursing student to the bloodiest conversations that nurses can have with each other. 

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Publishing date: 9/06/2015

ISBN: 978-84-08-13878-5

Pages: 200

Imprint: Zenith


Her blog Enfermera en apuros (Nurse in Trouble) has more than 25,000 followers on Facebook and more than 9,000 on Instagram.

This book tells the fresh & entertaining story of a nurse in trouble



Vídeos sobre Nurse in Trouble

Enfermera en apuros. La que elige el tamaño de la aguja

Otros vídeos

Enfermera en apuros. La que elige el tamaño de la aguja

Enfermera en apuros. La que elige el tamaño de la aguja

Happening "Enfermera en apuros"

Happening "Enfermera en apuros"

Happening Enfermera en apuros

Happening Enfermera en apuros