Portada Pagan Oracle

Pagan Oracle

Publishing date:8/03/2023


Book + 40 letters 

A revolving door connecting with our unconscious side, remote but not forgotten.  

There was a time when popular beliefs, no matter how different they were, shared common myths, had similar goddesses and gods, symbols and archetypes. The oracle takes you to those origins, reviving the pagan certainties existing for many centuries in Europe.  

In Pagan Oracle, Aitor retrieves the roots of European mysticism, amalgamates myths and nature, and merges it with the spiritual, invisible world. Aitor summons his intimate, precious, spirituality and evocative work ethos, and displays for us the cards, their inherent relationship with nature and its elements: earth, air, water and fire, and merges it with the gods, the lunar cycle, significant objects, plants, symbols… Magical, harmonised and respectful of the esoteric world. 

In each of the forty cards you will find a poetic inner gear, where symbols and archetypes will provide you with a puzzle of different answers depending on the questions you make to the oracle. Delve into it, soak up its wisdom and let yourself be guided by its messages. 

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Publishing date: 8/03/2023

ISBN: 978-84-19164-46-9

Pages: 104

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga
