Portada Real Psychology

Real Psychology

Publishing date:16/06/2020


How to transform suffering into wellbeing.

This book will help you find yourself and grow without denying, repressing, and erasing your authentic  essence. It is a story about how a black sheep wound up leading the flock, the intense voyage of a meaningless life toward a full existence. 

If conventional psychology, commercial self-help, and New Age aren’t for you, then there is a fourth way, a more honest, REAL, authentic, direct, and profound way to experience your mind and emotions and heal.

This is the story of a psychologist who also tried everything and who, after passing through countless treatments and supposed magic recipes, finally managed to find his road to true wellbeing.

This isn’t just another story of overcoming. This isn’t about happy endings with smiley faces on social networks. This is life itself, served up with no rigmarole. A hand-to-hand struggle with your authentic self. Sorrow, rage, joy, and fear. Head, heart, and viscera. Emotions just under the skin. Raw flesh, no dress-up.

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Publishing date: 16/06/2020

ISBN: 978-84-480-2648-6

Pages: 296

Imprint: Libros Cúpula
