Portada Return to Your Skin

Return to Your Skin

Publishing date:18/03/2014


Brianda de Lubich, the only heiress of the most important Lord in the Shire of Orrun, refuses to marry because of lineage reasons and marries the love of her life. In a border district rocked by wars, Brianda will be accused of witchcraft along with twenty-three other women from the same valley where she knew happiness with the man who once swore to love her for the rest of his life.

The denouement to this eternal love affair will come in the present day when a young engineer with a promising future starts to recover fragments of the past and feel an irrational love for a foreigner who has arrived in these remote mountains to rebuild a family mansion he has recently inherited.

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 18/03/2014

ISBN: 978-84-08-12551-8

Pages: 528

Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Rights sold

Marcador (Portugal), Muza (Poland), Amazon (USA).

Option rights

Ripol (Russia), Charleston (France).


“Luz Gabás joins the group of women at the top of the bestseller lists including Julia Navarro, María Dueñas, Alicia Giménez Bartlett and Carmen Posadas”, ABC CULTURAL

A great, historical and love story that evokes major and universal themes: love, power, etc.


Vídeos sobre Return to Your Skin

Trailer Luz Gabas - Regreso a tu piel