Portada Sawai. 21 Stories about what Really Matters

Sawai. 21 Stories about what Really Matters

  • Sagar Prakash Khatnani
Publishing date:30/10/2018


21 short stories about what truly matters

A moving work about love, the passing of time and life.

Dear Reader, each page of this book is a very thin door to another reality. You would only need to leave it slightly ajar with your fingertips to enter it. 

Sawai is a touching book about love, the passing of time and life. It is set in an Eastern and remote world, but its stories resonate universally in our present day. Some of this tales are revamped classic short stories, some others are still unpublished, and deal with candent topics like social equality, homosexuality, animalism, ecology or feminism. An inspiring read, with a surprising plot, filled with curiosities and interesting facts, where eventually everything will flawlessly fit together, like the pieces of a puzzle.  

Sagar Prakash Khatani introduces us to a magnificent portrait of innocence and redemption that shows us how to change our lives with the power of our will. All stories contain a moral within, leading the reader to get involved in the conflict never allowing remaining indifferent. This is a page-turner from start to finish, but leaves a deep aftertaste. Page after page a universe unfolds, a place where feelings and caring are the only thing that truly matters, where preconceptions have no place.  

Twenty years after the incident, when Baba opened the letter he came across a sentence wrinkled through time. “A random act of kindness can enlighten our lives: that of the giver and that of the receiver.” 

Baba smiled at the yellowed paper. It was his own writing, his own words, he never revealed to them who he was. And today, twenty years later, that same girl whose tuition he had paid was the same teacher who had returned the favour. Baba unfolded the whole paper and read the words left by the little girl: “Life is a circle.” 

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 30/10/2018

ISBN: 978-84-17371-32-6

Pages: 272

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga
