Portada Severed Heads

Severed Heads

Publishing date:9/10/2018


Maria goes abroad seeking to escape mediocrity and boredom. A notebook, a precarious salary and a roof over her head are all she needs. Around her, volunteer brigades hunt down immigrants, night raids take place and there are suburbs where whites don’t enter. Fatalistically drawn to a desire for destruction, she hides in the past and falls into a spiral of lies and self-deception as she turns her memories into pages that can become a weapon to cut off heads.

Severed Heads is a novel about a generation confused and battered by the crisis, and about the anger and bewilderment that come when youth ends and dreams fade

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Publishing date: 9/10/2018

ISBN: 978-84-322-3411-8

Pages: 248

Imprint: Seix Barral

Rights sold

Kastaniotis (Greece).

Option rights

Christophe Luquin (France).


A shocking novel, a ferocious social critique. 

The story of a young Spanish woman who emigrates to London, a generational portrait.