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Shadow Matter

Publishing date:27/03/2024


An unsettling psychological thriller in which the occult and supernatural forces creep into ordinary life, bringing to the surface all the complexities of dealing with our inner demons Inspector Fusco and his team find themselves up against a mysterious case affecting the entire city. Seemingly unrelated people of different class, age and gender have begun taking their own lives in wildly disparate circumstances, without any sign of a connection between them. The only thing common to each suicide is that the victims were suddenly overcome by an unexpected change in character before their deaths. A wave of fear and paranoia takes hold, as anyone could become the next victim.

The investigation appears to have reached a dead end, until the police approach paranormal detective Isaac Zarco, whose psychic abilities make him the only person capable of mediating the supernatural forces at play and shedding light on the perpetrator. Nevertheless, Zarco has his own demons to face. An unexpected visitation from an ethereal being who he hasn’t seen since childhood is, despite their best intentions, throwing the psychic detective into turmoil. Zarco must face the forces that threaten to corrupt him and manage a series of challenges which not only put his life, but also the lives of his nearest and dearest, in danger.

An alleged demon which takes the form of a woman with crustacean-like skin, an artificial ghost which rebels against its creators, an imaginary friend who passes from one host to the next... Three beings from the most ethereal of realms cross paths with paranormal detective Isaac Zarco’s most baffling case to date.

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Publishing date: 27/03/2024

ISBN: 978-84-450-1680-0

Pages: 496

Imprint: Minotauro



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La materia de las sombras