Portada Sick to Death of Mindfulness

Sick to Death of Mindfulness

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Publishing date:15/03/2023


Young people seem to have lost a zest for life. Some are just starting to enter the work world, while others are already burned out after having spent a few years in it. Precarious conditions, instability, poor salaries, exploitation... Young people increasingly suffer from anxiety, depression or burnout. They’re even fleeing to villages to escape the Emerald City! Rather than being rewarded for all their efforts and studies with the bright future they were promised, they instead find themselves being forced to live worse off than their parents. And when they ask for a bit of the dignity they were stripped of to be returned, all they get are self-help books and courses on mindfulness. This instability has contaminated all areas of their lives: studies, relationships, work, hunting for an apartment... Everything is so difficult. This coloring book will let them vent the frustration they’ve got bottled up inside. It’s time to color!

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Publishing date: 15/03/2023

ISBN: 978-84-480-3384-2

Pages: 200

Imprint: Libros Cúpula
