Portada Silent Children, Audible Gestures

Silent Children, Audible Gestures

  • Susana Fuster
Publishing date:22/01/2019


What Adolescents Say Without Words.

Adolescence is a complicated stage, for teenagers and for those who have to put up with them. Most parents of adolescent children complain of the same thing: a lack of communication. And this may be where the error begins. Teenagers are saying lots of things, but we don’t know how to correctly interpret what their eyes, their facial expression, their posture, their gestures, their voice, and their gestures convey.

Drawing on concrete examples, this book will give you the keys to understand how to read what adolescents are saying through these and other nonverbal channels, easing comprehension and mutual understanding.

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 22/01/2019

ISBN: 978-84-670-5292-3

Pages: 240

Imprint: Espasa

Rights sold

Adriano Salani Editorial (Italy).
